It’s all about him, the most problematic student in my class. He never dress properly in a way that people will say, “oh, he looks smart…” he will never behave in a way that people will say, “he’s a nice guy…” but those who very well know him, including I, can tell that, he’s the most wonderful friend one can ever have. He’s having his own ups and downs which everyone usually has.
A really frank person who’ll hug you tightly and say “thanks da…” if you do something right or will blow off your face if you do something against his ethics. And when I say his ethics, it doesn’t mean his selfish ideology or anything. It’s all about the right and the wrong that a true person would always think about. It’s all about the human conscience and his philosophy of, “it’s better to be hated for what you’re than being loved for what you’re not…” He is what he is always. He never tells lies to get rid of punishments. If he’s doing something, he has got fortitude to stand up and say, “yes, I did it...” he’s not a coward, he can never be so.
He smiles amidst his frustrations. He doesn’t know to put the mask of a good guy and roam around doing all the stupid things to pull others leg. He’s not a backstabber. If you’re wrong, he’ll tell it on your face. And if he’s wrong, I’ve had the rights to question him and to catch his collar and ask, “Why the hell did you do that…”
He won’t flatter you or arrange party for you. But, at times he’ll say “great job” looking at your effort and that makes it all…. He won’t always keep in touch all the friends quite often. But, in case if you need some help, he’ll be there for you. He won’t keep any grudge with in his mind. Once the issue is solved out, he forgets about it. He doesn’t boast about what he does or dream about his future. He just lives for the day and leave the rest for the future. No complaints, no arguments and no fights unless there is a proper reason to it. If he gets a marker and the white board in the class room, all that he would write on it will be, “it’s better to die standing than to live on your knees…” Many a times I’ve felt if I was him. The real coward in me is jealous of him. How many births do I have to take to live a life like him? I’ve felt that I don’t have a backbone to live like him, boldly. Kudos to him from the bottom of my heart, success will show him a way very soon.
College authorities will drop their jaw once when they know about his success later on in the future. And like the Veeru Sahasra Buddhe, the College head in the “3 Idiots” movie, some others will also nitpick themselves for all that they’ve done in their lives till then. His parents’ tears will be wiped off with his fruitful triumph and on that very day, we, those who know him and love him well, will sit on a corner and shed two drops of tears out of happiness and think about the hellish kind of days that he’d gone through in his life…!!
Hats off..!!